I’m Helen Jablonski, and this is my biz! My whole life, I have been enamored with all things creative.

My artistic journey began at a very young age. My mother always said when I was growing up, “I never want your creativity to be limited.” So she would give me a blank sheet of paper and crayons, instead of a coloring book. That way I never had to stay in between the lines and my creative imagination was limitless!

This blossomed into a love for all types of art. I started lessons and continued art classes throughout grade school. From there, I was accepted to Ringling College of Art and Design located in Sarasota, Florida. Before transferring to Florida State University to complete my bachelors degree in Product Development, my painting techniques were polished and I was taught fundamental graphic design skills at Ringling that helped mold me into the artist I am today.

After graduation I was fortunate enough to move home and work with dear friends on expanding their small family business, Southern Craft Creamery located in Marianna, Florida, into the flourishing company that it is today.

I also work with Rachelle, of Rachelle Youd Designs, located in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. I have learned and continue to learn so much from her about weddings and all things design related.

Working with these two incredible companies has helped bring my creativity to a whole new level. They have also given me the confidence to open and operate my very own small business. And voila, HelenMade Designs was born!

I want to bring joy to people through my artwork. Whether it be a custom watercolor of a pet, a beautifully handcrafted invitation for a special event or an awesome Happy Birthday sign, I am here to make that happen and bring a smile to your face!

I am the happiest with a paint brush in one hand, champagne in the other and a dog in my lap! Life is absolutely too short to not do what you love, so that’s what I’m doing!

Thank you for all the love, good vibez and support, I look forward to creating one of a kind pieces of art just for you!

xoxo, Helen